Using the acquired competences, I implement various projects on the market.
Java Developer
(June 2022 - May 2023)
As a Java Developer at Intersport Polska S.A., I was primarily responsible for IT projects developing the organization.
I supervised the entire development process, from making architectural decisions to production implementation. I adapted to technologies going beyond the previously established framework (Flutter, Dart).
Offline Sale: desktop POS to support sales in showrooms after losing internet connection to the head office (Spring Boot, JavaFX, Java, SQLite)
C&C Admin Panel: web administration panel for managing Click&Collect transactions (Spring Boot, Java, Hibernate, JavaScript)
AMS 2.0: seller’s mobile assistant, application rewriting for new technology (Flutter, Dart)
Automation of business processes: scripts in the ERP system (Groovy)
Integration between systems through middleware: creating data flow (NiFi)

Online Mathematics Tutor (October 2021 - June 2022)

As an online maths teacher on the 2plus2.edu.pl platform, I prepared for the matriculation exam and the 8th grade exam. I worked with children and youth, catching up and aiming at successes in subject competitions. I taught young people the basics of programming in Java.